Tuesday, July 12, 2005

today was not the best day. i decided to grab a big gulp at the conoco, and while there i unluckily overfilled my scooter with gas. i let that slide, but my anger level was rising, after riding the mile home with the big gulp, when i got to the garage to open it with my garage opener key pad my hands were slippery from the condensation on my drink and the whole drink flew up into the air and my scooter toppled over onto the ground. still not a good day. then i decided to fill my oil in my scooter. not learning from my last overfill of the gas, i over estimated the amount of oil it needed and that went all over the garage. thinking my bad luck was now over i went to take a shower. when i got out and was hanging up my towel it fell in the toilet. what a perfect topper offer for a crappy day. i guess i can't complain too much though, everyone is healthy and no one got hurt. another day is tomorrow, let's hope it goes better.

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