Sunday, July 17, 2005

went to the bike race yesterday and did pretty well for having 5 t-mobile girls and 2 world champion cyclists against us local colorado girls. i took home 74 dollars and 2 prizes which include a one year membership to 24 hour fitness, i kept one for myself and gave the other one to anne. so if you need us we'll be in the gym! in this picture we are getting ready to go over to the pool since it is 100 degrees out and we just raced. we got to the pool and found out that someone pooped in it and we couldn't get in for an hour. we were CRUSHED.


Anonymous said...

so glad u updated the blog...its been a coupla days...i had to find other sites that kept my attention! sounds like you are winning races and keeping cool (well not in poop pools)

tamom said...

hey, i thought no more racing for you, fast chick? say hi to anne, syrea and leah, my rock star buddies:)

Anonymous said...

hey ct, i found out today in my lifeguard training class that a poop in the pool is a CODE BROWN.
