Wednesday, November 30, 2005

went on a COOOOOLD ride today up fourmile canyon in boulder (which by the way is not 4 miles, don't be fooled)

I remember when i first moved to boulder and decided to climb up fourmile canyon and kept waiting for those four miles to be over. it should be called 7 mile canyon. i think i will start a petition to rename it.

this is boulder creek, notice that there is ice along the rocks and up above it was frozen over! danm it was cold today.

the view from poorman rd. (above fourmile) i guess a poorman named this road, wonder if he/she named fourmile too.


Steve said...

Are you wearing my new jacket?

Why does it seem like I get the longest word verications when I post a comment on a blog. The shortest one I've gotten was 7 letters long. Maybe I'll start a petition.

Anonymous said...

It is called four mile canyon because it is located 4 miles up Boulder canyon...not because of its length