Saturday, December 03, 2005

Anne and I started out on our bike ride today and it was 30. burrrrrr.

I started the ride with a tiny hole in my sock and when I took off my shoes at the much needed cappuccino break the hole had escalated to this.

note to self (and others), never buy Cannondale wool socks.


dea said...

'30 degrees..brrr'.?, it was 60 degrees colder than that here this morning. i chopped wood without a shirt on :)

dea said...

Yeah, it is more like he dressed in his 800 down fill hooded parka, boots and gloves for the walk to the outhouse. came back and said 'brrrrrr'.
miss riding with you guys, Dea

tamom said...

dude, isn't there some law that you don't ride unless it's above 40? (or for myself, 50...). my mom wouldn't meet us for dinner last night because of our clod snap - it was "freezing" (ie it dropped below 50 in the evening.)
actually i miss the weather there... it is boring here - always the same.