Monday, December 19, 2005

jon and i left beaver creek this morning and hit the vail nordic center for a little skate ski. i have decided that i love skate skiing more than downhill skiing these days. partially because you get a great workout and feel like you have done a run (which i still can't do very well because of my running up the stairs with the string cheese incident back in september).

when we got back to boulder there was a light dusting on the ground from last night's snow. the rest of the week is supposed to be beautiful though, so i am ready to head into it with a big block of riding before we go on our next excursion for the holidays.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Here are two things I learned about skate skiing:

1. No matter how fast you think you are, red tights are not for dudes.

2. I suck at skate skiing downhills when it's icy out.

Hope you have better luck than me!