Friday, December 09, 2005

jon and i went for a hike up at ncar today (representing different nordic ski teams) since the roads are still awful, and you can't ride your bike without some serious spray. (i'm just trying to avoid the dreaded bike trainer)

on the hike we saw big foot.

in this shot you can see he has just turned his back to us because he knows he has been spotted. next week i should have a shot of the lock ness monster out at the boulder reservoir.

a nice shot of ncar (where we get our temps) and east boulder/kansas.


Steve said...

Great photo of Bigfoot! It looks like he's getting ready to sprint off.

tamom said...

uh, please explain... he looks like he has a sling over his shoulder...
what is it?

n/a said...

i must be your only friend who doesn't know what "spray" is... ?
big foot rules! very cute pic of you and jon.