Wednesday, January 04, 2006

wanted to go to amante (where the cool kids hang out), but it was just too packed, so we decided to venture across the street to the other ghetto coffee shop to give it a whirl.

the coffee shop right across the street. take our advice and don't go there, amante is the hottest hangout in town because it is the best coffee shop, don't be fooled by this one which has no lines. there is a reason there is no line.

we tried their egg sandwich that may have been reheated from the weekend and it smelled like wet dog, and that isn't a good thing when you are starving. here is anne taking in the aroma.

here i am venturing down a long secluded hallway to get to the ladies room. it has a key (similar to the ones for jail cells in the old west) and wasn't like the european inspired lavatories in amante.

pay the extra dollar or so, and go to amante for the flatscreen t.v., euro toilets, free internet, bar, gelato, and sometimes world champion cyclists.

1 comment:

n/a said...

im a sucker for the mom and pops places but it sounds like amante may have been the better choice... wet dog egg sandwiches make me feel pukey.
p.s. im glad you guys always wear your helmets for saftey.