Thursday, October 25, 2007

becky and i did the royal arch hike in boulder today. i call it royal pain in my arse. it was a lot of vertical, but well worth it once we got to the top. (and to answer your question, no, i didn't have to go pee, i didn't want to copy becky and put my hands on my hips)

the arch was real big, and there were a lot of people there for a thursday afternoon. don't these people work?

a nice little view of boulder and beyond. it's amazing you can see anything outside of this "bubble".

i brought expired pepper power on the hike today. good thing cause we saw bear scat. (i think? does anyone know what bear poop looks like)


Anonymous said...

Hard to tell from that picture, but the movie is out!

Two Thumbs WAY Up!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone work????????

Does Beth work?

Anonymous said...

You brought expired pepper spray??? What is with you and expired products. The pepper spray probably would have tickled the bear.

Anonymous said...

I know Beth sells stuff on eBay. I work part-time. :)

Anonymous said...

dear anonymous, sarcasm is hard to capture while blogging.


Anonymous said...

I love staging in this photo. Pepper power!!