Thursday, November 29, 2007

i just got tagged by kristen. therefore, i’m supposed to write 5 (i've written 10) random things about myself that people probably don’t know and then tag 5 other people. (i've tagged 9)

here they are:

1. i hate coming out of a sandwich place (like quiznos) and smelling like it the rest of the day.

2. i lived in a triple wide trailer home with 7 other people in the summer of 1997, best time of my life.

3. i don't like to race national bike races 'cause the "big girls" scare me, and i tend to have a 50/50 chance of crashing by my calculations.

4. i got a D in religion 101 in college (it was so boring). it was my only bad grade.

5. i was an all-american water polo player in high school for all four years. i didn't continue playing it in college because i chose a college without a women's team. i sometimes regret this, but still wouldn't trade my college experience for anything.

6. i studied photography in florence, italy for a summer.

7. i get annoyed when people call my cell phone and i am at home.

8. i am bad at a few sports, and they are: surfing, bowling and golf. i even took golf and surfing in college and i still suck. being good at bowling would be embarrassing.

9. when i was a kid i used to hide candy under my bed. i remember specifically hiding a sugar easter egg and getting in big trouble when my mom found it half eaten. i ate the glue, bunny, frosting and everything. it was quite messy. (click here for a picture of it)

10. jon and i met working at velonews and married each other 4 years later. we have been together for 6 years, married 2. we plan on being married for 70 years, to remind us of this we inscribed "for 70 years" in each other's wedding rings.

i am tagging:

kenny - a funny girl with a funny blog.
c-ray - my vc teammate and friend.
sparky - another vc teammate and friend.
leah - i lived with her in the triple wide trailer.
amy - i wish she was my vc teammate, but she chose webcor instead.
root - my landscaper and friend when not talking about landscaping.
becky - old college swimming buddy who lives in colorado too.
the hammer - old vc teammate and friend.
the hurricane - new vc teammate and freshly engaged.


reastman said...

what's embarrassing is getting wicked competitive while bowling while still being bad at it.

n/a said...

Space 70 baby!