Monday, June 02, 2008

so i went to the pool today with the whole "mom vc clan". (pic of mr. gram) i thought i would get in and do some laps and it would be all easy and fun. ('cause you always hear of preggos loving to swim right up until they give birth.) however, i got in and it was painful to swim freestyle, and all of a sudden my stroke all went to hell, and i felt like those 18 years of swimming went out the window. the only stroke i can swim pain free and not look like a complete idiot is breaststroke and i hate that stroke. i guess it just looks like i am going to be doing a lot of kicking and swimming of the only stroke i hate doing.

also as a side note, i now fit into that maternity swimsuit i thought was way too big. turns out i grew nicely into the thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Beth, it's Tom Humphreys.
What's your email address these days? You can reach me at Congratulations! And sorry to use your blog comment section to contact you - we've lost touch!