Thursday, July 24, 2008

aunt sara, sam, the madre, and aunt margaret came for a visit yesterday.
sam tarkingtong with little sam tarkington.
mimi fisk having a special moment.
a rare moment when i am not feeding our new little boy.
we are doing well. i am still being watched at the hospital because my "huge cycling hematocrit" (haha) dropped to 22 and i looked quite awful. apparently i look a little better, but i don't know when they are going to release us. i'm pretty banged up from the event, but the good news is that sam douglas teton tarkington is in great shape. the boy feeds like a champ, lets us sleep more than an hour at a time, and is so darn sweet. we are truly blessed. thanks for all the support and emails.


tamom said...

aahhh, he look so alert in your arms, and very huggable, wish i could have a turn:)
keep the pictures coming!

kennyk said...

I love him Beth. I get all emo looking at pics of you guys...I love how you said that you're pretty "banged up", that makes me laugh.

n/a said...

Oh gosh he's cute.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Too precious! COngrats Beth! Your world as you know it has just done a complete 180. Enojy every minute of it, he will grow up fast!
Kim (Odom) Wiseman

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all! We rejoice with you over the arrival of precious Sam Douglas..blessings as you begin this mad, wonderful world of parenting! rodger & greer

Anonymous said...

Congrats Fisker & Teton!