Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Blogging with baby!


Hooray said...


Anonymous said...

congratulations beth and jon!

love, becky & dan :)

reastman said...

Congrats on the new addition! Glad he finally came out to make an appearance. I bet your blog has gotten more hits today than ever.

Anonymous said...

God damn great Job Betty, hope you are well.Hows dad doing!
The Cricks up on the hill.

Root said...

Nice going... your'e going to love being parents. Congratulations...

Unknown said...

Way to go! Sam is so cute! I can't wait to meet him!! You are a trooper...what are his stats?

tamom said...

can we expect blog updates every 3 hours? hope so!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Beth! He looks like a very healthy baby boy!!! - Laura (White) Cranston

Sharon said...

Welcome to the world baby sam! Congrats Beth & Jon.

n/a said...

This picture is CLASSIC! Sam was blogging by your side at day one.
Love it.
He's high-tech baby.

Anonymous said...

FINALLY! Glad to see him....keep posting pics. I am in FL on vacation and have been checking your blog lots waiting on this little guy. Glad you both are doing well.

SalBal and Jackson