Saturday, July 26, 2008

monkey toes tarkington.


Mimi said...

Needs to buff up those bike riding legs. Really cute.

Kate Gracheck said...

He is so cute!!! Congratulations!!!

tamom said...

made 4 flip flops

Carol said...

I can't wait to meet him! Are you guys going to be at the VC photo shoot on Wed?

Anonymous said...

He is so cute Beth & Jon. We can't wait to meet him. Let me know when you are up for a hike.

Unknown said...

Jon & Beth! Congratulations he's here FINALLY! I kept checking the blog and checking it, looking for the news. Well he made a grand late entrance! Geez, betting on the long shot in your due date pool would paid the mega jackpot! Amy and I are extremely happy for you three! Can't wait to see you guys in Texas.