Monday, August 18, 2008

the famous north boulder criterium was yesterday. look at that backdrop, it's beautiful.

anne killin' it off the front with the enemy. we really like colorado bike poo as people and all, but they keep beating us. not yesterday though, anne pulled off a 3rd place for the team.

after the criterium we had what we called a tailgate party, but there was no tailgate involved.

sharon (with ring pop), winner of the baby t. pool by default. in a teen angst moment she put the tennis trophy she won on the grill to see how it would fare. end result here.

i now know why sam has a sunburn on his head. thanks babysitter carol. (don't freak out grandparents, i'm only kidding.)

more on the events:
and here


tamom said...

uh yea, that is a beautiful backdrop, making me want to come out there all the more!!!

Carol said...

That's why we got Jenna in on the babysitting. Holding the umbrella in proper position was just too much.

Unknown said...

Beth, Do those T's say DePauw Cycling??? Why I believe they do! Maggie's Mom and I went to DPU! many years ago. Yeah, Little 500!!! Jane