Wednesday, August 06, 2008

sam 2 week marker

weight: 8 lbs 10 oz (gained over a pound)
peed on me: at least ten times
nearly pooped on me: 1 time
hurled on me (big ones): 2 times
hurled when kissing him and went into my mouth: 1 time
hurled on jon when he was looking at him closely and into his mouth: 1 time

he's still being a really good boy. at night he sleeps for 4 hours intervals and for that i am thankful. kaiser appointment today has him as a healthy and VERY cute baby according to doctor.


reastman said...

Sounds just like my cat.

Elie-Jelly-Belly & Jilly-Silly-Billy said...

Good job little buddy, keep on poopin'!