Thursday, August 07, 2008

what rock have i been living under that i just now discovered


Megan said...

Pandora is great . . . that is if you live in the US. I am not allowed to access it from Mexico. It sucks. BTW, congrat on Sam. He definitely is a cutie and I look forward to meeting him the next time I am in Boulder.

Anonymous said...

What? Don't you read your "Friend's Crazy Blogs" links? Oh well, better to write regular entries in your own blog than to read other's sparse entries....jab jab jab.

I created my own station called Feist (the singer) Radio. Listen long enough and they will get around to playing this:

Anonymous said...

the same rock with me apparently. i just discovered a few weeks ago. :)

b fisk said...

i read about it on other peoples blogs, but never took action by going to the website. i'm all over it now.

n/a said...

Yeah, totally I love Pandora.
Sometimes you gotta reign her in tho. She will just go off and youre like..."What kind of jazz fusion is this!? Bad Pandora...Bad!"