Friday, December 02, 2005

jon and i went out to eat at a crappy thai restaurant called gemini's twin or something like that off of 30th in boulder. then we were supposed to go out to the RIO for Meeeegan's bday party, but the thought of our feet sticking to the floor from all the spilled margs, not being able to sit anywhere once we got in (if we got in), and screaming at the top of our lungs to have a conversation just doesn't appeal to us married folk anymore. imagine that, we're getting old.


we went over to starbucks and shared their chantico which is pretty much like drinking chocolate. (if you order one, share it because it is very rich and sweet, and sip, don't gulp) it is my new favorite drink.

bad news is there was a nutritional menu sitting at our table and i read the calorie/fat content and it is only a once a week drink.

by the way... the most caloric drink you can buy there is the venti (which means large to those of you that live in boulder) white chocolate mocha with whipped cream (breve) at 900 calories a pop. a venti drip coffee on the other hand is 15 calories. just some starbucks nutritional facts. enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you can lower yourself enough to go to Starbucks. Had a taste of that chocolate drink one morning (free to "old customers") and thought it was too chocolatety. Your dad liked it though. L.M.