Friday, August 08, 2008

take a vote, who does sam look like? here's picture of sam 24 hours after his birth.

beth straight out of the womb. (yes i know i look very hispanic, we don't know where that came from)
or, the very perplexed and chunky, jon.


Mimi said...


reastman said...

Looks like jon for sure especially considering that you don't even look like you in that picture. Are you sure that's even you?!

n/a said...

I don't know b/c I can't stop giggling at Jon's picture. It's the most nervous I've ever seen a baby look.
ok, I'm let's see...
I think maybe Sam is a good mix of both of you.

tamom said...

that is the funniest picture of baby jon! i think he looks like jon, but not based on those baby pics. and in one of those other pictures i was thinking he looked like you... give him a few more months, then we should vote again:)
btw-is that a ponytail on your newborn head?
also, very cute peanut picture:) mommy and baby looks so happy:)